Sticky Toffee Brew Guide - the Aeropress

In the first of our brewguides, we look at how to get the best out of the famous Aeropress. The coffee lover´s travel essential that is loved around the world

Before we dive in, we will start this guide with the same advice as in all the others you will read on; focus on the basics. The 3 ingredients you need for any good coffee is rather simple:

1) Freshly roasted coffee that has been appropriately rested. If you are making filter coffee, aeropress or chemex your coffee can be used just a few days after roast date. If you are brewing espresso it is best to wait for 2 weeks after roast date to ensure the optimal brew-

2) Good quality water. This is sometimes easily overlooked but water is 98% of your coffee so ensuring the right hardness and mineral content of your water is essential. We will write a Sticky Toffee guide to water soon but until then, we recommend reading the fantastic Barista Hustle article on homemade water recipes

3) Freshly grind your coffee. It is not to be underestimated how much difference you can taste in the cup between beans that have been freshly ground and those that were pre-ground even hours before. We recommend investing in a decent burr grinder (a hand grinder is fine) to get the most out of your beans

Our Aeropress brew guide

The beauty of this brewer is in its simplicity. With this in mind, our recipe is also simple. This recipe is the result of many, many brews made on our resident Aeropress.

What you need

  • Good quality water heated to just under boiling point (assuming you are brewing with lighter roasted coffee. If using a darker roast then let the water cool for 1 minute)

  • 13g of freshly ground coffee. For a grind setting we recommend something between espresso and filter (finer than you might think) but please adjust this to your taste. Grind coarser if your coffee is bitter or “hollow” and go finer if it is too acidic or astringent.

  • A scale with 0.1g accuracy. We use the Acaia Pearl but there are many options to be found on Amazon etc.

  • A timer

What to do

  1. Whilst your water is boiling, grind your coffee and put your Aeropress together.

  2. Tip your coffee into the brewer, place the brewer on top of a cup or a carafe and the place all of this on your scale

  3. When your water is ready begin pouring into the aeropress and begin your timer

  4. Quickly pour 210g of water into the brewer, insert the plunger a few millimetres and wait

  5. After 2 minutes give your brewer a decent swirl and put back on the cup or carafe

  6. Wait a final 30 seconds more and then plunge

  7. ENJOY!


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Experimental processing guide - anaerobic fermentation