Rob Clark Rob Clark

Kopi Luwak Coffee: Unravelling the Dark Side of "Rare" Marketing

Kopi Luwak coffee, also known as civet coffee, has gained infamy as one of the most expensive and controversial coffees in the world. Marketed as a rare and exclusive delicacy, Kopi Luwak has captured the curiosity of coffee enthusiasts globally. However, behind its luxurious facade lies a troubling truth. In this blog post, we will delve into the dark side of Kopi Luwak and shed light on the irresponsible marketing tactics that have perpetuated its demand. By examining the ethical concerns and environmental impact associated with this coffee, we aim to encourage consumers to question the narrative surrounding "rare" coffees and make informed choices that align with sustainability and ethical practices.

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Rob Clark Rob Clark

The Advantages of Specialty Coffee for Producers: A Sustainable Path to Prosperity

Excelsa Coffee: The Mysterious and Underrated Bean

In the world of coffee, there is a fundamental distinction between commodity coffee and specialty coffee. While commodity coffee is often associated with mass production and low prices, specialty coffee stands out as a high-quality, carefully crafted product that offers numerous benefits to both consumers and producers. In this blog post, we will delve into why specialty coffee is better for producers.

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Rob Clark Rob Clark

The Excelsa deep dive!

Excelsa Coffee: The Mysterious and Underrated Bean

When you think of coffee, you probably think of Arabica or Robusta. These are the two most well-known coffee bean varieties. However, there are actually four main species of coffee, and one that's often overlooked is the Excelsa coffee bean. This unique and mysterious bean has a distinctive flavour profile that's gaining popularity among coffee connoisseurs

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Rob Clark Rob Clark

The eugenioides deep dive!

Coffee is more than just a morning pick-me-up. It is a complex and fascinating world of different varieties, each with its own unique flavor profile. One such variety is Eugenioides, a rare and elusive coffee that is not often seen in the market. In this deep dive, we will explore the origins, characteristics, and cultivation of this rare coffee variety.

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Rob Clark Rob Clark

The Geisha deep dive!

Geisha coffee, also known as Gesha, is a variety of coffee that has become incredibly popular among specialty coffee enthusiasts in recent years. This coffee has been described as having a floral, tea-like flavor with notes of citrus and stone fruit. In this post, we will delve into the history of the geisha variety, how it became so popular, and what makes it so unique.

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Rob Clark Rob Clark

Coffee Tasting Notes: How to Improve Your Palate and Appreciate Specialty Coffees

At our coffee roastery, we specialise in producing unique and experimental single origin coffees that are rich in flavour and complexity. To fully appreciate the nuances and subtleties of these specialty coffees, it's important to train your palate to detect different tasting notes. In this post, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help you get better at identifying tasting notes in coffee.

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Rob Clark Rob Clark

A brief history of coffee

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, with millions of people starting their day with a cup. But have you ever stopped to think about the origins of this beloved drink? Where did coffee come from, and how did it become such an important part of our daily lives?

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