The Excelsa deep dive!

Excelsa Coffee: The Mysterious and Underrated Bean.

Excelsa cherries

When you think of coffee, you probably think of Arabica or Robusta. These are the two most well-known coffee bean varieties. However, there are actually four main species of coffee, and one that's often overlooked is the Excelsa coffee bean. This unique and mysterious bean has a distinctive flavour profile that's gaining popularity among coffee connoisseurs.


The Excelsa coffee bean is a sub-species of the Liberica coffee plant, which is native to West and Central Africa. Unlike Arabica and Robusta, Excelsa is a relatively new discovery, having been identified as a separate sub-species only in the 20th century.

What Makes This Coffee Unique?

Excelsa is often described as having a complex and intriguing flavour profile that is unlike any other coffee. It is known for its bold, fruity and tart notes, as well as its distinctive smoky aroma. It is also a very rare and unique coffee variety, with only a small percentage of coffee production in the world being Excelsa.

How is it Grown and Processed?

Excelsa coffee is grown in tropical climates, typically at higher elevations than other coffee varieties. It is a hardy plant that can thrive in less-than-ideal conditions, making it a popular choice for growers in Southeast Asia. The beans are harvested by hand, and then typically sun-dried or machine-dried.

Other Interesting Facts

  • It is primarily grown in Southeast Asia, particularly in Vietnam, where it is often blended with Robusta beans to create a unique flavour profile.

  • The Excelsa plant is resistant to many common coffee diseases, making it a popular choice for growers in regions where other coffee plants struggle.

  • Excelsa coffee is often used in blends with other coffee varieties to create unique flavour profiles. It is also sometimes used in espresso blends to add a unique tartness and complexity to the flavour.

Why Excelsa Could Be a Competitor to Arabica

As coffee lovers continue to seek out unique and complex flavour profiles, Excelsa coffee is becoming more popular. Its tart and fruity notes make it a natural competitor to Arabica, which is known for its complex and nuanced flavour profile. Additionally, Excelsa's resistance to disease and ability to thrive in less-than-ideal growing conditions make it an attractive option for growers in regions where Arabica struggles.

Excelsa coffee is a unique and mysterious coffee variety that is gaining popularity among coffee connoisseurs. Its bold and fruity flavour profile, combined with its rarity and resilience, make it a natural competitor to Arabica. If you're looking to expand your coffee palate, give Excelsa a try and discover its complex and intriguing flavour for yourself.


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