The eugenioides deep dive!

Coffee is more than just a morning pick-me-up. It is a complex and fascinating world of different varieties, each with its own unique flavour profile. One such variety is Eugenioides, a rare and elusive coffee that is not often seen in the market. In this deep dive, we will explore the origins, characteristics, and cultivation of this rare coffee variety.

Eugenioides cherries

Origins of the Eugenioides Variety

Eugenioides coffee is a wild variety of coffee that is native to the African rainforest. It is a distant relative of the more commonly known Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties. It was first discovered in the late 19th century by the French botanist Auguste Chevalier in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What Makes Eugenioides Coffee Unique?

Eugenioides coffee is unique in several ways. For starters, it is an incredibly rare variety of coffee. It is estimated that only about 1% of the coffee grown worldwide is Eugenioides. This is due in part to its low yield and susceptibility to disease. However, it is also because of its unique flavor profile, which is quite different from that of Arabica or Robusta coffee.

Eugenioides coffee is known for its delicate, floral aroma and bright acidity. It has a light body and a complex flavor profile that includes notes of citrus, berries, and floral tones. Its flavour is often described as "tea-like" and is quite distinct from other coffee varieties.

How Eugenioides Coffee is Grown and Processed?

Eugenioides coffee is a challenging variety to grow and process. It requires a specific set of growing conditions, including high humidity and moderate temperatures, as well as a specific type of soil. The coffee cherries are small and oval-shaped, and they ripen slowly on the tree.

Once harvested, the coffee cherries are processed using the wet method. This involves removing the outer layers of the cherry to reveal the beans inside. The beans are then washed and dried, usually on raised beds or patios.

Other interesting facts

Eugenioides coffee is also known for its low caffeine content. This is due to a genetic mutation that affects the caffeine synthesis pathway in the plant. As a result, Eugenioides coffee has about half the caffeine content of Arabica coffee.

In conclusion, Eugenioides coffee is a rare and elusive variety that is prized for its unique flavor profile and low caffeine content. Although it is challenging to grow and process, it is worth the effort for those who appreciate the complex and delicate flavors of this rare coffee variety.


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